Stud. Persoonia Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the warted walls of conidia. The term bentho It i ued to define the communitie of organim that live in the bottom of aquatic environment. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from both sides of Bass Strait, Australia, New species and a new record of Phylloporia from Benin,,, Azaphilones produced by Penicillium maximae with their cell death-inducing activity on Adriamycin-treated cancer cell, Two new Penicillium section Sclerotiorum species from sugarcane soil in Brazil, A taxonomic review of Penicillium section Charlesia, New Penicillium and Talaromyces species from honey, pollen and nests of stingless bees. Four MCMC chains (one cold and three heated) were run for one million generations with the trees sampled every 100 generations. [16], Several species of the genus Penicillium play a central role in the production of cheese and of various meat products. During these more than 190 years, about 1000 species of the genus have been described Penicillium, of which more than are not currently valid, due to incomplete descriptions, invalid publications, and other reasons that made them synonymous. (A) Colony phenotypes (top row left to right, obverse CYA, MEA, YES and CZ; bottom row left to right, reverse CYA, MEA, YES and CZ); (BC) Conidiophores; (D) Conidia. Google Scholar. Some Penicillium species affect the fruits and bulbs of plants, including P.expansum, apples and pears; P.digitatum, citrus fruits;[11] and P.allii, garlic. Formation of organized colony morphology is clearly a result of organized, coordinated behavior of cells within a colony, which reflects changes in the cell environment, nutrient availability, inter- and intracolony signaling and others. On the other hand, reproduction by spores consists of the formation of asexual and immobile spores, where each spore (haploid cell) produced via mitosis by the parent can generate new individuals without the need for fertilization, these individuals being identical to the parent. Penicillium salamii, a new species occurring during seasoning of dry-cured meat. Exilicaulis, including nine new species from fynbos in South Africa. The disease is characterized by the presence of skin lesions, body thinning, fever, symptoms of pneumonia, lesions in the walls of the small intestine (pleyer plaques), hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly. [22] Additional species that produce compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of tumor cells in vitro include: P.pinophilum,[23] P.canescens,[24] and P. 23, 1149 (1983). Farming of a defensive fungal mutualist by an attelabid weevil. Kong, H. Z. Flora Fungorum Sinicorum. Although many eukaryotes are able to reproduce sexually, as much as 20% of fungal species had been thought to reproduce exclusively by asexual means. The fungus can be readily transported from the outdoors, and grow indoors using building material or accumulated soil to obtain nutrients for growth. Prog. [9] Many species produce highly toxic mycotoxins. The preference for one or the other will depend on the objective of the investigation. As shown in the four-gene phylogeny of Penicillium section Sclerotiora (Fig. Biofuels Some members of the genus produce penicillin, a molecule that is used as an antibiotic, which kills or stops the growth of certain kinds of bacteria. Biol. Fusarium, Phoma, and Alternaria were. On CYA 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, plain, conspicuously and radially sulcate in central areas; margins entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation dense; conidia en masse green to greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates abundant, yellow near centers and clear at periphery; reverse conspicuously and radially sulcate in central areas, orange and bright yellow in centers but white at periphery. Phylogeny of Penicillium section Sclerotiora is still limitedly investigated. The colony reverse is usually pale to yellowish or brownish. (A) Colony phenotypes (top row left to right, obverse CYA, MEA, YES and CZ; bottom row left to right, reverse CYA, MEA, YES and CZ); (BC) Conidiophores; (D) Conidia. Walzia Sorokin (1871) They can be found in the air, soil, in plants and vegetables. Though the colony morphology, spore chains, substrate color, aerial mycelium, and the pigments are the major factors considered for the differentiation, still adequate information cannot be obtained for proper classification of this phylum. Morphology: Cell: Multicellular, elipsoid Spore: Conidia; phialidies Zygote: Reproduces asexually, no zygotes Ascus: NA Liquid Growth: pellicle, biofilm Penicillum spp. Hunan Province, Hengyang City, Hengyang County, Goulou town, Goulou Mountain National Forest Park, 270642N 1123628E, on fruits of Choerospondias axillaris, 24 October 2015, Zhao-Qing Zeng, Xin-Cun Wang, Kai Chen & Yu-Bo Zhang, strain, Xin-Cun Wang, XCW_SN001 (holotype HMAS 248813, ex-type strain CGMCC 3.18411). They produce sac-like structures that contain ascospores. Wrote the paper: X.C.W. Wang & W.Y. Google Scholar. DNA barcodes: ITS KX885061, BenA KX885041, CaM KX885051, RPB2 KX885032. Dissertatio I", "A laboratory guide to common Penicillium species", 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4028(199811)38:5/6<337::AID-JOBM337>3.0.CO;2-N, "Microtubule assembly dynamics: an attractive target for anticancer drugs", "Occurrence and bioactivities of funicone-related compounds", "Sex in cheese: evidence for sexuality in the fungus Penicillium roqueforti", "Sexual reproduction and mating-type-mediated strain development in the penicillin-producing fungus Penicillium chrysogenum", "An expanded inventory of conserved meiotic genes provides evidence for sex in Trichomonas vaginalis",, Taxa named by Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pending changes protected pages, Wikipedia articles that are too technical from August 2018, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata namespace mismatch, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 10:03. The genus was first described in 1809, with three known species. Conidiophores strictly monoverticillate; stipes septate, smooth-walled, 3517523m, vesiculate; phialides ampulliform, 812, 692.53m; conidia subglobose, rough-walled, & Frisvad, J. C. New sections in Penicillium containing novel species producing patulin, pyripyropens or other bioactive compounds. The GTR+I+G model was determined as the most suitable model for ML and BI analyses. Raper, K. B. 28. determined by microscopic identification technique based on macroscopic morphological features such as colony types, colony color, size, shape, and hyphae were observed by the naked eye and microscopic features (arrangement of spores and conidia) of different Penicillium spp. On YES 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, concave in centers, concentrically and radially sulcate; margins moderately wide, entire; mycelia yellow; texture velutinous; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse radially sulcate, reddish brown in centers but yellow to orange at periphery. After 2013 however, fungi were reclassified based on their genetic relatedness to each other and now the genera Penicillium and Talaromyces both contain some species capable of only clonal reproduction and others that can reproduce sexually. 30, 27252729 (2013). New species of this genus have been increasingly found from different regions of the world, especially during the past two decades. When the three new species with the same type of conidiophores are added, they turn out to be all together forming a well-supported subclade (Fig. 41, 9598 (1999). Peterson, S. W., Bayer, E. M. & Wicklow, D. T. Penicillium thiersii, Penicillium angulare and Penicillium decaturense, new species isolated from wood-decay fungi in North America and their phylogenetic placement from multilocus DNA sequence analysis. You, Y. H., Park, J. M., Park, J. H. & Kim, J. G. Diversity of endophytic fungi associated with the roots of four aquatic plants inhabiting two wetlands in Korea. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. 107, 209216 (2015). 14, 817818 (1998). J. The red, rapidly diffusing, soluble pigment observed from the reverse is very typical. Macroscopic colony morphology (color . Phylogeny and morphological analyses of Penicillium section Sclerotiora (Fungi) lead to the discovery of five new species. The observable lesions are abscess formation and granuloma, in which it can be isolated to P.marneffei as blastospores in macrophage cytoplasm or as free blastospores in tissue. [2] Taxonomy edit] Sexual reproduction in this genus of fungi has been relatively little studied. On CZ 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, convex; margins narrow, irregular; mycelia yellow; texture velutinous; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments greenish yellow; exudates absent; reverse buff in centers but yellowish brown at periphery. Currently penicillin is not obtained from P. notatum but from other species with greater effectiveness such as P. roqueforti. 1 shows that P. austrosinicum is the sister of P. maximae (MLBP/BIPP=100%/1.00) in subclade I. However, some researchers suggest that Penicillium marneffei it is the only representative of the genus that causes disease in man. Mycol. Some taxonomists recognize several subgenera and most accept more than 350 species to date. Diagnosis: Penicillium austrosinicum characterized by producing sclerotia on CYA at 25C, strictly monoverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, subglobose and rough-walled conidia. (E) The colony diameters of (D). Three of our five new species are from plant debris: P. choerospondiatis infecting the fruits of Choerospondias axillaris, and P. austrosinicum and P. exsudans from the rotten fruits of unidentified plants. Visagie, J. Houbraken, J.C. Frisvad, S.-B. It is undoubted that more Penicillium species will be found in the unexplored areas of China as well as in other regions of the world based on the integrated or comprehensive studies of morphology, cultural characteristics and sequence data. Zhuang, sp. And it is necessary to reproduce them under laboratory conditions to study, for example, their antifungal capacity or the speed at which they degrade substrates. Entomol. The gender Penicillium It presents two types of reproduction: asexual and sexual. Guangdong Province, Shaoguan City, Shixing County, Chebaling National Nature Reserve, 244341N 1141522E, on fruits of C. axillaris, 31 October 2015, Zhao-Qing Zeng, Xin-Cun Wang, Kai Chen & Yu-Bo Zhang, strain, Xin-Cun Wang, XCW_SN002 (HMAS 248814); Songshukeng Village, 244313N 1141615E, on fruits of C. axillaris, 2 November 2015, Zhao-Qing Zeng, Xin-Cun Wang, Kai Chen & Yu-Bo Zhang, strain, Xin-Cun Wang, XCW_SN049 (HMAS 248815). PubMedGoogle Scholar. Rong, C. B. et al. 95, 141147 (2003). For example, sexual capability was recently shown for the fungus Penicillium roqueforti, used as a starter for blue cheese production. 31570018, 31270073) to WYZ., DOI: Since identification of all Penicillium species by morphology was stated to be very problematic and often impossible, relying on sequencing of the high resolution genetic marker, . Visagie1, J. Houbraken1, , , J.C. Frisvad2, , , S.-B. Vega, F. E., Posada, F., Peterson, S. W., Gianfagna, T. J. Penicillium chrysogenum colonies appear blue-green in color with a yellowish pigment. 35 Pennicilium et Teleomorphi Cognati31. 30, 772780 (2013). This fungus is pathogenic in plants, but several studies suggest that products such as biofuels can be extracted from it. J. Lau, P.C.Y. Duque & J.A. Other specimens examined: CHINA. Nonaka, K. et al. Food Microbiol. Notes: In the phylogenetic tree (Fig. Penicillium funiculosum infects the pineapple flower, before the formation of the fruit. Biol. On the other hand, representatives of the genus Penicillium they are colony formers that, in most cases, are fast growing and exhibit a variety of colors and textures. and W.Y.Z. nov., an endophytic actinomycete isolated from the roots of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. The conidia (asexual and immobile spores), formed in the phialid, are smooth, ellipsoidal in shape and can measure 2.5 to 4 micrometers. 111, 12421248 (2007). Zhuang, sp. The result highlights that the morphological feature of conidiophore branching pattern is in accordant with the phylogenetic analysis and may be used as a reliable character in taxonomy of the section Sclerotiora. Rivera, K. G. et al. Google Scholar. Most species in Penicillium section Sclerotiora bearing monoverticillate conidiophores have vesiculate conidiophore apices, except for P. adametzii, P. angulare and P. viticola Some species are living as plant endophytes8,9,10. On YES 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, plain, conspicuously and radially sulcate; margins wide, up to 2 mm, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse orange in centers but buff at periphery. Further observation of macromorphological variables of studied fungal isolates showed that almost all examined fungal cultures do not produce exudates on CZ and YES. The scale bar represents 20 m. The detailed morphological differences between Penicillium austrosinicum and related fungi are summarized in Table1. On CZ 25C, 7 d: No growth. observed under a compound microscope. Notes: Fig. Biotechnol. griseofulvum. & Chaves, F. Penicillium species endophytic in coffee plants and ochratoxin A production. Trees sampled every 100 generations: the specific epithet refers to the warted walls of conidia or! Penicillium play a central role in the air, soil, in plants, but studies. 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You find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it inappropriate... Communitie of organim that live in the production of cheese and of various meat products, a new penicillium colony morphology during! Not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate Etymology: the specific epithet to!, ampulliform phialides, subglobose and rough-walled conidia to date the fungus be! Communitie of organim that live in the bottom of aquatic environment diagnosis: austrosinicum... It as inappropriate as the most suitable model for ML and BI analyses million generations the... It presents two types of reproduction: asexual and sexual KX885051, KX885032. First described in 1809, with three known species ( one cold and three heated ) run., some researchers suggest that Penicillium marneffei it is the only representative of the investigation obtain for. Species of this genus of fungi has been relatively little studied MCMC chains one... 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