Some researchers used reflective journals to develop an understanding of students learning and course revision (Power, Citation2012; Watson, Citation2010). By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. She defines a different set of 4 roles for research journals which are more focused towards typical qualitative projects and philosophies: 1. Seventy-three journal entries referred to teachers lack of handouts in class. endobj Reflective journals are used in the literature to promote students learning, develop writing skills, assess students reflection level, promote teachers professional development, and gather research data. The next section discusses students perspectives of their preferred instructional practices and reported challenges in the concerned EFL writing course. In addition, students were not biased, as they knew that the purpose of this research is to improve instructional practices and their instructors assured them that their opinions would neither affect their grades nor their relations with them. In addition, the gradual teaching approach was a favoured one to students learning. To motivate and capture this reflection, the earlier RDR article discusses the use of a reflexive journal or diary by which the researcher provides a subjective account of each research event with details of the influences that may have affected results. Assess the impact of this week on you and your future actions. The reflective journal in qualitative research is a written record by the researchers themselves and is written throughout the research process. Permission will be required if your reuse is not covered by the terms of the License. I once did some auto-ethnography in nightclubs. It is a space where a learner can record and reflect upon their observations and responses to situations, which can then be used to explore and analyse ways of thinking. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article. Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. The current study is limited by a number of issues. Both Dr and Dr. Nguyen are for animal testing but with the minimaleffects on animals or that doesn't harm them either. endobj Therefore, I thought of using reflective journals as a strategy that could help them express their views and attitudes in writing about EFL writing teachers instructional practices. <>1]/P 12 0 R/Pg 62 0 R/S/Link>> Somebody has paid for the research and they want to know the answers. [77 0 R 79 0 R 80 0 R 81 0 R 82 0 R 83 0 R] Data was analysed qualitatively using thematic content analysis. There is much more written in the literature on this topic, see our own post on participant diaries, and Janesick (1998) has written about distinguishing and triangulating these in her article. Effective college teaching from the students and facultys view: Matched or mismatched priorities? endobj 2021-02-25T11:37:00-08:00 Teachers need to stimulate students interest, be clear and understandable, knowledgeable of the subject matter, well-prepared and organised, enthusiastic for the course and teaching, concerned about and respectful of students, helpful and available to students, and open to class questions and discussion (Feldman, Citation1976). of the research process through keeping reflective journals and using them in writing up the research. 50 0 obj Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. What was challenging to you during this week? While you can attach memos to sections of text, and use a source property to have notes attached to a section of text, there wasnt an designated to write generally in the project file. Finally, teachers classroom management and learning environment need to motivate students to learn (Khamis et al., Citation2008) and encourage whole-class activities (Lee, Citation1995). <> I feel it is a very unsafe environment that prohibits our learning (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Teachers Frequent Questioning, S. 46, week 4). Also, students data was kept in a safe place and used for research purposes anonymously as real names were replaced by a number in all journal entries. Five journal entries commented on how time is mismanaged as exemplified below: The bad thing is that sometimes the teacher assigns us a short time for class activities to complete the task. Introduction. The dialogic nature of reflective journals improves students lifelong learning and teachers professional practice in higher education (Rodgers, Citation2002; Rogers, Citation2001). endobj 55 0 obj Keeping and Using Reflective Journals in the Qualitative Research Process Reflective writing is a process of identifying, questioning, and critically evaluating course-based learning opportunities, integrated with your own observations, experiences, impressions, beliefs, assumptions, or biases, and which describes how this process stimulated new or creative understanding about the content of the course. Here, reflective journaling means describing a recent experience and unpacking salient aspects (e.g., people, resources, activities) that affected learning, and doing so in an ongoing manner over time. A sample example is shown below: When the task is to analyse an argumentative essay for example, I prefer to have a hard copy to help me understand the structure of the essay, take notes, underline and answer the questions. Second, discussion is vital as it affords a democratic environment (Brookfield & Preskill, Citation1999); freedom of speech (Redfield, Citation2000); engagement in learning (Leeds et al., Citation1998), developing thinking skills (Ewens, Citation2000); learning from others contributions (Hertenstein, Citation1991). A trial run was also carried out with three students to double check the clarity of questions. Second, the discussion is seen as one of the most commonly-used teaching strategies (Dallimore, Hertenstein, & Platt, Citation2004). Finally, grading was not a big issue for the participants of the current study as reflective journals were marked out of 5% on completion. While this is a good strategy, it wastes much time, and it is very repetitive in class as most girls in the class are chatty. Figure 2 below shows the eleven students reported challenges that emerged from students reflective journals. Secondly, it is also essential for teachers to use teaching strategies that proved effective in improving students learning, acquisition and motivation. ), Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition and implementation, Reflective Journals as a Tool for Auto-Ethnographic Learning: A Case Study of Student Experiences With Individualized Sustainability, Reflective journals: making constructive use of the apprenticeship of observation in preservice teacher education, Reflective learning journals: From concept to practice, Relationships between children and teachers: Associations with classroom and home behavior. You can also get a good idea of what its like to work with Quirkos by watching a short tutorial video right here: Barry, P., OCallaghan, 2009, Reflexive Journal Writing: A Tool for Music Therapy Student Clinical Practice Development, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 17(1), Janesick, V., 1998, Journal Writing as a Qualitative Research Technique: History, Issues, and Reflections,, Lincoln, Y., Guba, E., 1982, ESTABLISHING DEPENDABILITY AND CONFIRMABILITY IN NATURALISTIC INQUIRY THROUGH AN AUDIT,, Nadin, S., Cassell, C., 2006, The use of a research diary as a tool for reflexive practice: Some reflections from management research, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 3:208-217,, Silverman, D., 2013, Doing Qualitative Research, Sage, London. A reflective note encourages you to think about your personal reaction to a legal issue raised in a course. Research on student reflection emphasizes the need for guided support, whether by the instructor or a mentor (Gardner & Belland, 2012). A reflective journal can help you to identify important learning events that had happened in your life. Sixty-one students referred to their unease with the teachers use of turn-taking technique in class as pinpointed in the example below: All students take turns to answer exercises. 46 0 obj Reflective Journaling Doing research is very different from carrying out a traditional course-related lab experiment. The grading rubric for the reflective assignment was based on four criteria: understanding, reflection, evidence/practice, and structure/coherence. As they saybeginnings are the toughest. 3 0 obj Despite presenting students real narratives in their reflective journals, how the author coded the data and protected students identity was not clear. Finally, I would like to thank the editor and associate editor of Reflective Practice along with the anonymous reviewers for their insightful feedback and review of this research paper. A reflective journal is a place to write down your daily reflection entries. <>4]/P 6 0 R/Pg 62 0 R/S/Link>> Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, A penny for your thoughts: promoting compassionate medical practice through reflection, Reflective readiness: character strengths for effective reflection on refugee simulations, Coach developers and reflective practice: evaluating exercises, mechanisms, and challenges in facilitating reflection within novice coach education. A log of day-to-day personal introspections. . Guided by the research questions and Gibbs reflective cycle, participants reflective journals were analysed using thematic content analysis (Radnor, Citation2001) to come up with themes and sub-themes. For example, I could not paraphrase two lines of a given text, and all of us worked together to paraphrase the text meaningfully. The findings highlighted that participants of the current study were significant as they were able, through their weekly reflective journals, to inform and frame the instructional practices in an English writing course in a university context in Qatar. 5.1.1 Candidates via standard pathway without advanced standing are required to submit two (2) separate reflective journal writing pieces. The reflective practice is essential in research, since it aims at raising a thoughtful eye on oneself, which allows the subject to gain self-awareness ( Dahlberg et al., 2002, p. 139). Previous research confirmed that gradual teaching simplifies the taught concepts and elaborates on its meaning (Velzquez-Iturbide, Citation2000). 45 0 obj . For example, Hattie and Timperley (Citation2007) provided evidence of the impact of teachers feedback on students learning and achievement depending on the type of feedback given, its mechanism and timing. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives includes papers that address the connections between reflection, knowledge generation, practice and policy. Authenticity in reflection: Building reflective skills for social work, Learning through reflection: The critical role of reflection in work-based learning (WBL), Exploring a model to evaluate levels of reflection in baccalaureate nursing students journals, Effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures on achievement: A meta-analysis, Reflective journals: Making constructive use of the apprenticeship of observation in pre-service teacher education, Do changes in classroom techniques matter? To request a reprint or commercial or derivative permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below. Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities, Reflection in education: A Kantian epistemology, Defining reflection: Another look at John Dewey and reflective thinking, Reflection in higher education: A concept analysis, Arab Middle Eastern women in Qatar and their perspectives on the barriers to leadership: Incorporating transformative learning theory to improve leadership skills, Teaching teachers to think: Reflective journaling as a strategy to enhance students understanding and practice of academic writing, Change in reflection of physiotherapy students over time in clinical placements, Teacher characteristics as predictors of teacher-student relationships: Stress, negative affect, and self-efficacy, Student views of effective online teaching in higher education. Reflexive diaries can also be used by those performing research that contains ethnographic methods, and diaries or journals are very commonly used in ethnography. Previous research referred to some characteristics of discussion technique such as promoting a democratic environment (Brookfield & Preskill, Citation1999); freedom of speech (Redfield, Citation2000); engagement in learning (Leeds, Stull, & Westbrook, Citation1998), developing higher order thinking skills (Ewens, Citation2000); learning from others contributions (Hertenstein, Citation1991). The remaining five students speak Bengali as their first language. <>59 0 R]/P 31 0 R/S/Link>> It should provide you with a means of engaging critically and analytically with module content. Prince 12.5 ( endobj The current study contributed to a deeper understanding of reflective journals to inform instructional practices. 2021-02-25T11:37:00-08:00 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Source: <>19]/P 20 0 R/Pg 62 0 R/S/Link>> It also critically sheds light on the drawbacks of using reflective journals. First, I told the participants about the study aims and gave them an informed consent form to read and sign voluntarily. Lack of teachers electronic feedback is another challenge reported by sixty-two journal entries. Lincoln and Guba (1982) wrote a classic paper detailing reflexive journals as part of an auditing process for research projects, but with the very specific aim of improving the reliability of research and removing bias. Scientific Journal Publishers Ltd, Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. (2010). First, cooperative learning is important as it helps develop students problem-solving, negotiations and critical thinking (Hennebry & Fordyce, Citation2018). (RJ, teaching strategies that work, cooperative learning, S 47, week 6). 36 0 obj Findings: We found that, beyond human-centred and future-oriented practices, the designers working at this unit appropriate "design as a reflective practice" for the context of policymaking. It gave me some good ideas for my assignment. endobj (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Strict Classroom Management, S. 78, Week 6). A weekly reflective journal is one of the formative assessment methods used in this course, which is worth 5%, given upon completion. When writing up, this log can become as a vital a source of data as a participant interview. Based on Gibbs reflective cycle with its main stages of description, feelings, evaluation, conclusion and action (See Figure 1), I designed a reflective journal template with some guiding questions to probe students reflections on the instructional practices in an English writing course to further improve these practices. How have your feelings changed? xY$WM2* `}k 3 e9]"Eworyx7o><>x*j&O*hq!OpxzoX=9+1hwt|g*vx>Fi_ .f|UNqboF{f, Keeping and Using Reflective Journals in the Qualitative Research Process. These students were requested to write a weekly reflective journal using the template in Appendix. Analysis of students reflective journals showed that students favour the following teaching strategies: gradual teaching, exemplification, discussion, cooperative learning, comprehension checking and graphic organisers. I think the methodological triangulation in this research made the findings more credible and trustworthy, but I could not focus groups within the Qatari context as the female participants are shy to discuss their views openly and preferred the written reflective journals only. First, cooperative learning has proved successful in providing a context for practising and developing problem-solving, turn taking and negotiations skills (Hennebry & Fordyce, Citation2018). If you want to see how intuitive and simple Quirkos makes qualitative analysis, you can try either it with Cloud storage or offline storage for free, for Windows, Mac or Linux. Teaching Strategies and Their Effects on Teaching Evaluations. %PDF-1.7 % Third, participants were made aware of their right to withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason. An essay diary can take the form of an annotated bibliography (where you examine sources of evidence you might include in your essay) and a critique (where you reflect on your own writing and research processes). Considering the proposed implications, reflective journals can be used in other university contexts to provide feedback about teaching effectiveness. What role did your classmates play? Nurs Educ Perspect 2021; 42(4): 227-331.Epub ahead of print 26 May 2021. This study was useful to the current research as it highlighted the different factors that helped improve the quality of journal entries such as instructors feedback and convenient online access. Students used reflective journals to record course content and revise for the final exam. endobj In addition, forty-four journal entries pinpointed the benefits of group work as expressed below: I think the best teaching method is the group activity. <> Findings indicated that immediacy, intimacy, peer interaction, feedback, and convenience of online access were reported as conditional factors for improving the quality of journaling and its recognition as an authentic learning tool and long applicability. Journals. For the live collaboration in Quirkos cloud, we added a chat feature so that people can communicate, either in real time, or when working sequentially on their project. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives is a refereed journal publishing papers which seeks to address one or more of the following themes: Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives publishes original, challenging and stimulating work which explores reflection within and on practice, as a collective activity, that concerns personal knowing and transformation, collective regeneration and political activism, reflection and voice, values, negotiated meaning, identity and community. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. endobj 3. Michelle Ortlipp 78 0 obj Teaching Education, 23(3), 323-340. A rubric helps support this process. Qualitative research projects are complex to design, manage and analyse, and can take many years to complete. Therefore, I used students reflective journals to explore new understandings and challenges of these instructional practices from students perspectives. endobj Reflective Practice also incorporates, from time to time, Special Issues on 'hot' topics. The paper lists 4 major things to record in the diary: 3. For example, Watson (Citation2010) conducted a study to explore the use of reflective journals as an intervention strategy to improve twenty-five failing students understanding of the different expository methods employed as part of the academic writing course for six weeks. 15 0 obj Should student learning journals be assessed? The discussion covers the reflection of the research process as well as the area of improvements and the strategies to improve the strategies. View journal writing as a type of connoisseurship by which individuals become connoisseurs of their own thinking and reflection patterns, and indeed their own understanding of their work as qualitative researchers. endobj Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, The different kinds of reflective practice and the purposes they serve, Reflection and the generation of knowledge in particular professions, The ways reflection is taught and learned most meaningfully, The links between reflective learning and the quality of workplace action. Vicary, Young and Hicks (2016) recommend writing a research diary directly in qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS), in their case using Nvivo 10, but any qualitative software has the same basic capability. Furthermore, it has been reported that teachers feedback on students journal entries could help improve their current learning, accomplish new leaning and become reflective (Gursansky et al., Citation2010). Second, this study is limited by students gender as only female informants participated in the current study. First, reflection is a complex, rigorous, intellectual, and emotional enterprise that takes time to do well (Rodgers, Citation2002, p. 845). Examining the effects of computer-based scaffolds on novice teachers' reflective journal writing. 54 0 obj choose to publish gold open access in this journal. For instance, (Gursansky et al., Citation2010) explored students capacity to reflect on the learning process by using an online journal. Findings showed that the combination of auto-ethnography and reflexive diaries could offer a useful opportunity not only to enhance student learning but also to secure generic advances in critical analysis and deep learning. They were a mix of bilingual and multicultural students at a university in Qatar. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. But its important to not confuse these with diaries or journals which are given to participants as data collection of the lives and experiences of respondents. (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Unpunctual Students, S. 31, week 2). The relationship between the grading of reflective journals and student honesty in reflective journal writing. endobj <> Reflection is also defined as a generic term for those intellectual and affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to new understandings and appreciation (Boud, Keogh, & Walker, Citation1985, p. 3). 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. I can argue that the researcher could have trained students to avoid descriptive journal entries through the discussion of sample reflective journals. 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